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加拿大安大略理工大学Igor Piroro 教授讲座通知
日期 2018-06-25 11:34  点击:

应能动学院热流科学与工程教育部重点实验室的邀请,加拿大安大略理工大学能源系统和核科学学院Igor Pioro教授来校访问并做报告,欢迎各位师生参加,报告安排如下:






1. Concise overview of UOIT Faculty of Energy Systems & Nuclear Science (FESNS)

2. On the latest Handbook of Generation IV Nuclear Reactors and ASME Journal of Nuclear Engineering and Radiation Science

3. Recommendations of proper technical writing

4. Heat Transfer at Supercritical Pressures (Water and Carbon Dioxide)




Professor Igor Pioro – Ph.D. (1983), Doctor of Technical Sciences (1992), Professional Engineer (Ontario, Canada) (2008), Fellow of the American Society of Mechanical Engineers (2012), Canadian Society of Mechanical Engineers (2015), and Engineering Institute of Canada (EIC) (2013) is an internationally recognized scientist within areas of nuclear engineering (thermalhydraulics of nuclear reactors, Generation-IV nuclear-reactor concepts, etc.) and thermal sciences / engineering (boiling, forced convection including supercritical pressures, etc.). He is author/co-author of more than 470 publications ‑ 11 technical books, 26 chapters in encyclopedias, handbooks and books, 95 papers in refereed journals, 266 papers in refereed proceedings of international and national conferences and symposiums, 26 patents and inventions, and 46 major technical reports.

Dr. Pioro graduated from the National Technical University of Ukraine "Kiev Polytechnic Institute" with Master of Applied Science in Thermal Physics in 1979. After that, he worked on various positions including an engineer, senior scientist, deputy director, professor, director of a graduate program in nuclear engineering, and associate dean. Currently, he is associated with the Faculty of Energy Systems and Nuclear Science, University of Ontario Institute of Technology (Oshawa, Ontario, Canada ).

Dr. Pioro is a Founding Editor of the ASME Journal of Nuclear Engineering and Radiation Science. He was a Chair of the Executive Committee of the Nuclear Engineering Division of the ASME (2011-2012) and a Chair of the International Conference On Nuclear Engineering (ICONE-20) (2011-2012).

Professor Pioro has received many international and national awards and certificates of appreciation including a Harold A. Smith Outstanding Contribution Award from CNS (2017), Medal 60th Anniversary of NED (Nuclear Engineering Division of ASME) (2016); Service Recognition Award from the ASME (2014); an Honorary Doctor’s Degree from the National Technical University of Ukraine “Kiev Polytechnic Institute” (2013); The CNS Education and Communication Award (2011); The UOIT Research Excellence Award (2011); the ICONE Award from the ASME (2009); etc.


版权所有:西安交通大学热流科学与工程教育部重点实验室  设计与制作:西安交通大学网络信息中心

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